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~ The Farther Apart, the More Extreme ~

Of all the entities in all the worlds, there was one that was driven by the need to know More ~ beyond the setting of Suns, beyond the regulatory patterns of Nature, beyond the seemingly perpetual drumming of Time ~ they wanted to know what had started it All, what lay beneath Creation itself…


When they finally evolved beyond their terrestrial confines, they felt free to explore their universe, searching the stars for the Source of their Being.

Dissatisfied with their Revelations, they ceased their Seeking, finding only more Questions beneath the Answers. In despair, they turned inwards and entered their minds so as to grasp the Meaning of the situation, and by doing so, saw the conclusion of their race and their universe… *


Though they did not retreat from the Vision, they did not see deep enough, into the Heart of the matter, into Themselves.

In their short-sightedness, they did not see that they were the stuff of the universe, and at the core, what held it all together. Confronted with their End, they stopped asking questions and moved on to solving the Problem, as they saw it ~ of Time and Death.


They returned Home and sought to find a way to live beyond material form, untouched by the Laws of Nature. 


The Further Ahead

Future and Past

Are Bound by a Thread

The Deeper In Time

As Time Re-Turns

The One Makes Two

The Two Unite

To Make One Anew

In Constellations

Of Birthmarks & Scars

Their Lives Were Written

In the Light of Dark Stars

Deep in the heart of the Draco Constellation, a Great Star went nova, and the Eon race was left homeless, wandering the galaxies, knowing too well that all, at some point, would be brought before the face of the Black Deep ~ the Eye of Life.  As Timekeepers, the Eon had witnessed the births and deaths of many systems and knew of the Cycle of things ~ but their numbers were now few, and although they lived beyond the measure of most things, even they had an end.... They wandered space, searching for a planet to call home, but finding no planets capable of sustaining life such as theirs, they constructed one from the dust of the universe.

They chose to build in a binary star system with a bright and yellow sun they called Ras, and its dull blue companion, Rios ~ both stars born of the ultraviolet giant that shattered long ago, from the very Great Star that had ended the Eon world and set them on their journey.... The Eon called this ancient star Lubis, and for them, its death was only the beginning, the resurrection of its light foretold by means of a prophecy. It was by the conjunction of two Beings that the Great Star was first Created (and was to be re-Created.) As the body of Lubis was scattered over time and space, its luminescent dust gave birth to mist and nebulae and to the Eon themselves.

With the ancient prophecy of yet another Cycle turning, the Eon waited for the time to come when the essence of the Two would converge once more, to give rise to a new Great Star ~ a new Lubis.... But in the meantime, despite their far-seeing eyes, the Eon feared their own extinction (their own re-turning) and began their experiments. Using their own DNA, they sought to isolate and capture the pure, eternal Essence of Being in order to extend their existence. After many failed attempts, they managed to contain this Essence within a stable living form, the Ebo. But there was a consequence.



With Eon Eyes,
Events Forseen

The Truth Unveiled
As Rippled Dream

A Winding Clock,
A Ticking Past

Entrapped Within
A Future Cast

A Cycle Turned
And Gods Did Sleep

In Sacred Hold
And Timeless Keep

Two Suns Converged
At Crossroads Set

Upon a Time
Two Peoples Met

The Planets Shook,
The Seas Did Rise

As Stones From Heaven
Hit Their Prize

Two Forms Collided
From Sky & From Sea

One Wanted Control,
The Other to Flee

While the Ebo embodied the Essence of Creation, they were as children, sensitive and defenceless against their inevitable counterpart, the Siron. In splitting the whole, the Eon created not one, but two living forms, and to their dismay they found that One could not live without the Other. While the Ebo acted as the dormant seeds of life, the Siron were unpredictable catalysts ~ active, adaptive, but often uncontrollable and destructive.... It was then that the Eon came to an unspoken realization and stopped their experiments.

They isolated the Ebo on a small island and ejected the Siron onto a dead planet orbiting the Blue Sun. Separated, Ebo and Siron alike grew to forget not only each other, but their Makers.  With the disappearance of the Eon, both races evolved, seemingly without guidance or direction, oblivious of their origins. The Ebo became a peaceful, nature-loving people, sustained by their sheltered island paradise; and the Siron became an aggressive, technology-based society,  striving for survival on their dark, hard planet by exploiting and manipulating its resources ~



A Sterile Force
With Broken Cup

Sought Land & Life
As Time Sped Up

A Verdant World,
Resources Craved

A People Caught,
By Night, Enslaved

The World was Shattered
Into Many Parts

Scars of Affection
And Empty Hearts

And Bloodied To
The World Were Born

Those Who Came
United, Torn

With Hybrids Set
Upon the Earth

A Man Sought Redemption,
A Woman Sought Worth

He Feared His Heart,
She Feared Her Sight

One Trapped in Darkness,
The Other in Light

With the desperate focus of the dying, they set off in search of new life to claim as their own. 

Following the trail of the golden sun, they came across the Ebo home planet

and were devastated by the contrast.

In seeking to escape the Cycle that bound them, the Eon had unleashed an echo in time, and saw how the events they had set in motion only further entrenched them in their fate. They saw how the union of the Two they had created would result in a Humanity they themselves had evolved from ~ a Humanity that would one day seek (as the Eon now sought) release from the Cycle that bound them.

So they chose to remove themselves from the equation and slept. Sealed in their tombs of stasis, suspended between life and death, they awaited the Call, should the Circle-Without-End be finally broken. All slept, except the few who willingly entered the Stream, to incarnate into bodies that would veil self-knowing ~ the few who would signal the Call, should the moment ever come.

As the stars turned in their clockwork, a distant yellow sun appeared on the dusky horizon of the Siron home world. Having been besieged by their blue sun’s electromagnetic storms for too long, the Siron were a sterile race on a barren planet, perpetuated only by their cloning technology. But their DNA was now too corrupt and beyond the repair of their regeneration chambers.

And So Begins
Our Stone-Etched Tale

Within Which Hides
A Secret Grail

From Black Holes & Halos,
Darkness & Fire

To a Beacon Trail
Of Love & Desire

They Were As
Luminescent Dust

Of Stars & Suns
And Blood & Rust

Compelled to Move
By Resonance

To Find Each Others'

A Supernova,
A Wound Undone

A World Made Whole,
A Love Made One

The Pattern Shifts
To Chart New Course

The Image Leads
Back to the Source


'Slave-Trader' from the Krysalis and Corben series, an Origin-Myth by Katarzyna Vedah.

He hated the dreams, of warmth and light, only to awaken to the violent and harsh reality of his culture. He was disgusted by his ache for softness and his inner sensitivity ~ that which would jeopardize his very survival should it be exposed. So he learned to harden himself and compensated for this apparent weakness by externalizing his self-hatred. And the Ebo were an easy target.


At first, his people were wary of them, with their lush planet, self-healing bodies, and large, impregnable structures (which the Siron would later mimic as a way to proclaim themselves as the rightful-gods-returned over the world.)  


But upon closer inspection, they found the Ebo to be lazy and primitive fools who squandered the fortune laid before their feet (while the Siron had scraped lichen off rocks for generations just to sustain their species.) And in the face of Ebo defenselessness, Siron fear and caution quickly turned to revultion and contempt.


Experiments and dissections yielded nothing in terms of the secret to their natural longevity, nor the source of their radiant and near nuclear bio-energy. Seemingly good for nothing else, his people came to harvest the Ebo as slaves…and as a high ranking slave-trader, he was very good at his job.

'Islander' from the Krysalis and Corben series, an Origin-Myth by Katarzyna Vedah.

She had the dreams, of shadows and lights, and of a man whose face she could never make out. She heard distant chimes and a whisper on the breeze, but when she woke up, it was always the same ~ the island, the beach, the existence she had always known. To her, the dreams were a welcome reprieve from the walking shadows of waking life.


But her people did not share this perspective, and she had learned to stop talking about it. Like newborns, the Ebo experienced each day anew, with awe and wonder. They flowed with the system, like seeds on the wind.


They were content in the heart of nature, but she was not comforted by it as they were. Like them, she was connected to the Core, saw the energy currents of the natural world, and regenerated in the pools of water and light as they did, but unlike them, she questioned the nature of life, her own existence, and other things....


While the Ebo could not fathom an alternative to the Eternal Now, she wondered about things being different, ruminated over her past and explored future possibilities not yet manifest. She knew this seeking  disturbed them, and that they were relieved when she finally stopped asking (while  silently wondering) “what if…?”

Copyright ©  2025 Katarzyna Vedah. All Rights Reserved.

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